Green SA is a deep-rooted, tufted, cool-season grass attaining heights varying from 1 1/2 to 6 feet tall. Although it is considered a bunchgrass, the short, underground stems will develop even sod with mowing and heavy grazing. The roots are tough and coarse, normally penetrating to a depth of at least 5 feet. It has numerous shiny, dark green, deeply-ribbed leaves. The predominantly basal leaves are relatively coarse when allowed to reach full development and maturity. The branched panicle-type heads are 4 to 12 inches long, suspended on long, rigid culms of 3 to 5 feet long. The seeds are borne three to five in a spikelet, and have a dark appearance because of a slight purple tinge on both the glumes and the caryopsis.
This grass is adapted to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions. Although best adapted to a cool climate and wet, heavy soils, it will thrive on most other sites, except on light, sandy soils. It will tolerate poorly-drained conditions, and will survive in standing water for long periods of time during the winter when it is semidormant. Long submergence during its peak summer growth may be injurious. Green SA will tolerate moderate saline-alkaline concentrations when soil moisture conditions are favorable, and will also thrive on quite acid soils. Good fertility levels must be maintained for seed production and optimum forage production. A minimum of 15 inches annual precipitation is required to maintain this plant under dry land conditions.
The toughness of this grass makes it an ideal cover for athletic fields and playgrounds, as well as in waterways and eroding gullies where a long-lived, tenacious, deep-rooted grass is needed. The extensive, deep root system helps to open up heavy soils and add organic matter. Green SA is also useful for grass roadways, waterways, and as a “trap” filter downslope from feedlots and manure storage sites.
Use for Hay
The predominantly clumpy basal leaves limit the use of this species as hay. However, with proper fertilization, this grass will produce good hay, especially when grown in a grass-legume mixture. The competitive ability in mixtures is generally good. For best quality, the hay should be harvested at the first sign of heading. Regrowth after hay harvest provides good pasture. Green SA is capable of producing 2 to 4 tons per acre of high-quality hay.
Use for Pasture Direction: On Google Map you can search for ICM Industries and drive here.
Green SA is best suited for irrigated and subirrigated pasture, responding well to fertilization and irrigation. This grass maintains good production throughout the season. It is palatable to livestock when leaves are young and succulent, but becomes coarse and unpalatable upon maturing. The palatability and nutritive value of Green SA are improved when grown with a legume. Although the nutritive value of this grass is good, cattle grazing pure stands may occasionally require nutritional supplements. The tough basal leaves and extensive root system will withstand trampling and relatively heavy grazing pressure. Grazing of stubble following seed harvest yields forage with a crude protein content of about 3.8. Late fall grazing of seed production fields could reduce seed yields the following year. GSA: Price: R 145/Kg seed ( only seeds we do not weigh seeds and fertilizers together)